Saturday, July 28, 2018

It appears the humidity lessened a bit, but it was still warmer (upper 80's, still humid).  I kept the driving short and ended up on Phelps Road, to run the Metacomet from there to Peak/Copper Mountain and back.  Completed the 8.0-miles in slow-motion, but I was happy throughout.

Black Birch

Feathered Friend

Open View off the Metacomet

And on this day in 2005...

Tippi and I ran the Savoy General Store Marathon.  It was lengthy, over 29-miles I believe.  From Haskins Road to the General Store, which brought us all the way over to Windsor Jambs, we had the company of "Max", a friendly dog we picked up at Loop & Haskins intersection. 

Tippi along the trails of Savoy, 2005.

Oddly, each time we came to an intersection on the trail, "Max" knew which way we were planning on turning (even though he lead).  He managed this for 9 - 10 miles.

Total for the day was roughly 29.30-miles in 6:17:52.  It was my 27th completed marathon, and Tippi's 3rd.  After finishing, I met Jane Phinney in the Savoy Town Offices;  she was the Savoy Town Clerk and is the author of  "Taking the High Road".