Sunday, July 1, 2018

We are in the third day of upper 90's for temperature, and this was the first morning where the night didn't seem to cool things off at all.  It looks as though the next 5-days might be similar.

I didn't feel like driving too far, so I settled on McLean Refuge.  I thought it would be slightly cooler in the woods, but I'm not sure it was.  I felt decent for the first 2-miles, but I ended with 6.4-miles for the day, so a chunk of the running was a struggle.

On the positive side, it really can't get much hotter, and today was pretty humid as well.  Once things cool back off, I should feel fantastic while running.  Another positive was this was my fifth week in a row of 30-miles of running.  That is something to feel good about, especially considering the pieces of March and April I had.  I am building consistency.

It wasn't too hot for this guy today

Stony Hill