Friday, July 20, 2018

Wuzzam agreed to run the Mt Tom ridge with me today;  he wanted to go away from Connecticut to avoid the gnats and deerflies that have hounded him lately.  He was up for going somewhere he had never been before.  I explained that the Mt Tom ridge, using the Metacomet-Monadnock Trail (the New England Trail now-a-days I guess), was beautifully scenic and would help us develop our climbing legs.

We managed six peaks today, as follows:

Mt Tom @ 1202'
Dead Top @ 1110'
Whiting Peak @ 1014'
Goat Peak @ 822'
Dry Knoll @ 835'
Mt Nonotuck @ 827'

We also visited the location of the Eyre House Ruins.

The Metacomet, especially from Mt Tom to Whiting Peak is open ledge running and very scenic.  The views from Goat Peak onward are also rewarding, especially of the Oxbow.

We took the McCool, Dynamite, Keystone, and D.O.C. Trails in addition to the Metacomet for the return trip.  By the finish, we were pretty well baked.  Completed 13.5-miles, with the open running tough with temperatures in the 80's.

Close to the Peak of Mt Tom

Along the Ridge

Along the Ridge

Along the Ridge

The Oxbow in the Connecticut River

Below Goat Peak

A balanced rock along the route

Along the Ridge

Along the Ridge

Climbing along the Ridge

Climbing along the Ridge

Wuzzam at the "big rock"