Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Here are my accomplishments for April 2019.

April 2019 High Points:
  • Nick's Hill, West Suffield, CT
  • Poplar Hill, Whately, MA
  • Battlecock Hill, Williamsburg, MA
  • Ore Hill, Granville State Forest, Granville, MA
  • Old Wolf Hill, Unquemonk, Williamsburg, MA
  • West Suffield Mountain, Metacomet Trail, West Suffield, CT
  • Stony Hill, McLean Game Refuge, Simsbury & East Granby, CT
  • I've continued on a good pace so far in 2019.  I've continued to work the "long run" plan, completing the following "long-runs" this year in April, despite working through the month with regular Physical Therapy Sessions for a sore Calf/Achilles:
    •   8.9
    •   8.7
    •   8.7
  • I also have been able to stay a ahead of my mileage goals per week, with an end-of-year total of 1200-miles of running planned.  I am currently roughly 30.9-miles over my scheduled goal.