Saturday, May 11, 2019

It was time for a Northern Nipmuck 16-mile adventure.  There was a race on this section of the Nipmuck from 2000 to 2012, or so,  I believe.  Prior to the race, it was a common "fun-run" event for many years.

During those years where a true event took place, I participated four-times.  Two of the runs were pretty good, 2:34:43 and 2:35:21, good for a 10th and 9th place respectively.  These were in 2004 and 2005 it looks like, honestly I don't remember the years but I do recall some of the events during these races.

Today, Wuzzam was up for a try at 16-tough miles with me.  I compounded the difficulty by suggestion that we attempt to average 4-mph along the way, so a 4-hour time limit.  This 16-mile run doesn't have massive climbs within it, but a good majority is difficult footing as well as constant up and down.

I hung on, managing 3:52 for a gps measured 15.93-miles.  That got me a 4.1-mph average.  Pretty far removed from 2:35, but if training can remain consistent for me, something around 3-hours by the fall may not be impossible.

As a bonus, I ran into "the Cemetery Man" hiking within the forest, a real blast from the past.

Wuzzam navigating one of many small stream crossings

A "somewhat" rock-free section of trail

Looking off Big Ledge

Above Boston Hollow