Sunday, October 4, 2020

Tunxis State Forest with K2 for a run.  Began at Route 20 and headed south, with a 90-minute deadline for the total time out.  I managed to get just past the logging before turning back, and ended with a nice enjoyable 6-miles.

For a bonus, I spent a reasonable amount of time photographing the Balanced Rock situated just up the bank from Morey Brook.

Navigating around the Morey Brook Balanced Rock, differing angles

The Morey Brook Balanced Rock

The Morey Brook Balanced Rock

The Morey Brook Balanced Rock

The Morey Brook Balanced Rock

The Morey Brook Balanced Rock

The Morey Brook Balanced Rock

The Morey Brook Balanced Rock

The Morey Brook Balanced Rock

The Morey Brook Balanced Rock

The Morey Brook Balanced Rock