Saturday, July 22, 2017

Broad Hill Road in Granby, Connecticut, off Route 20.  There are trails throughout the Granby Land Trust, Holcomb Farm, and McLean Game Refuge.  Wanted to get in a mid-distance run, and I hadn't been out in this area in a while.

The thing that pops into my mind every 5 or so years is a connection to Enders State Forest from the Broad Hill, Weed Hill and Pine Cone area.  I keep looking every half-decade, but so far no one has connected things for me.

Along this run, there are many "highlites"...
  • Cellar Holes & Stone Walls
  • At least One Old Well
  • Carpenter Falls
  • Pine Cone
  • Diamond Ledge
I managed 7.8-miles, in a remaining high humidity.  I did find some "private" trails off Broad Hill that lead into backyards, and one that loops about and catches a nice pond.  I did not see anything promising off the Pine Cone, so I'll keep those points on my gps and hike up from Enders sometime soon.

I cut off toward Pine Cone, but Broad Hill continues west.  It used to come out on Case Street, I'll check on that at some point.  There was also a single-track trail leaving Broad Hill to the south, which also came back around to Case Street at a Horse Rescue Farm.  Its been ages since I tried either of those options.
Carpenter Falls
 Carpenter Falls again
 Pond off Broad Hill
Remains of an Old Well
 View off the northeast side of Pine Cone
 The Summit of Pine Cone
 Diamond Ledge