Effort #21, Suicide...
The Primitives, from the fall of 1984. An original song of mine, lyrics and music. I can not take credit for the incredibly powerful drumming of L. That was all her. And while I can not take credit for the lead guitar work, I do recall that I asked Skippy to play a "wicked lead" over the riff throughout the entire song. I heard that in my head before the song existed. We had Aldo (vocals) and DL (bass) playing on this one as well, from the Art Studio in Adams.
Similarly to "You Blister My Paint", this was written after reading Anthony Burgess' "A Clockwork Orange", and was influenced by that novel (and supporting film).
Similarly to "You Blister My Paint", this was written after reading Anthony Burgess' "A Clockwork Orange", and was influenced by that novel (and supporting film).