Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Phelps Road and the Metacomet heading south at 5:00 p.m.  Pretty awesome early evening to run.  I ended up signing the log, for the first time this year I believe.  My best year signing in was 2012, when I managed 104 visits to the logbook.  From 1993 to about 2008, I ran this section of trail 3 or 4 times a week, year round.  But...  there was no sign-in logbook.

What I have recorded, for a few years anyway:

2011 -   50 Visits
2012 - 104 Visits
2013 -   57 Visits
2014 -   47 Visits through October (... I am not sure what I did in November & December). 

I think I can piece together last year and this year (2016 & 2017).  That is something I'll work on.

Getting back to today's run, it went great and I felt fine.  This was my 8th straight day of running, which is really something.  My previous best consecutive day streak this year was 6-days.  Last year, I doubt I ever got over five consecutive days of running.  Slowly, I am getting in decent fitness.

I finally saw the birch growing around the old White Pine or Hemlock that had fallen over (I just can't recall which it was, but the area is populated by White Pine, and the Hemlock were all harvested about 15-years ago off this ridge, so I'm going with White Pine remains).  It is located right at the sharp right-turn heading south, about 6/10-mile out from Phelps Road.

Birch using old White Pine remains for support

The sky was washed out but the view from the chimney was still impressive