Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Well, I have been  thinking about Joseph Allen Skinner State Park in the Hadley, South Hadley, Amherst, and Granby area of western Massachusetts.  I've been thinking about it because my friend Hill-Billage participated in the 7 Sisters Trail Race this year, and wrote a fantastic article about the race, himself, and the route.  The article made it sound "fun" and "worthwhile".  It made me remember that once upon a time, I also had challenged those hills.

I ran the race from 1992 through 2001, and then one more time in '02 or '03 (just can't remember).  The first time I raced it, in '92, it was also my first "trail race".  I wore a complete gore-tex outer shell (top and bottom), and vasque gore-tex hiking boots.  There were only about 60 or so participants in the race that year, and I was pretty close to the end of the line.  As a matter of fact, on the way back from the turn-around, I stepped off the trail to take a leak, and when I returned to the trail I could not remember which way to go.  It was foggy, so I couldn't see the sun in the sky, and I was exhausted.  This was somewhere around mile 8 or 9.  I had to wait for the next runner to come by before I could re-start. 

The great news was despite feeling pretty defeated by those hills, I decided to keep with it.  During my 10 or 11 finishes, I twice ran 2:12 at this race, which for a 200 lbs man, is pretty good (I think).

Not only did I stop going to the race about 15-years ago, I also stopped visiting the area, other than one trip in 2009.  So, with a day of predicted rain and high temps and humidity, I took the drive to the Notch Visitor Center, and would attempt the Mt. Holyoke side of the range (not as rocky and constant up and down, which would be helpful after the rain).

The section is 5.2-miles, but I thought that I'd like to make it to Long Mountain at 4-miles, before turning back.  This was a good call, because it was really humid and by the end I was worn out.

The section of trail is fantastic, with climbs up Norwottuck, Rattlesnake Knob, and Long Mountain.  The route also passes the Horse Caves, which are impressive as well.  There are also decently lengthy sections of old roads through flat or rolling sections, where running is actually easy.

I made it to Long, saw that the trail started to drop off and decided to head back.  I was at 4.0-miles, in 1:11:00.  I knew I was breaking off the Metacomet onto the Robert Frost Trail on the way back, and that would give me a break regarding an additional climb up Norwottuck.  I decided I would like to run the return in an even hour, and see how that went.

Once finished, I stopped the gps at 7.8-miles and 2:03:00.  The second half (3.8-miles) was done much better than an hour, it was completed in 52 minutes!  I was gassed, mostly due to the heat and humidity, but the climbing was starting to take its toll as well.  Excellent section that I plan on coming back to in the fall, as the colors arrive in the trees and the humidity leaves New England.

A view off Norwottuck
 A view off Norwottuck
 A view off Norwottuck
 A view off Norwottuck
Coming down from Norwottuck towards the Horse Caves
Horse Caves
 Horse Caves
 Off Rattlesnake Knob
 On top of Long Mountain, looking back at Norwottuck