Sunday, July 2, 2017

I have started to feel pretty good, and my medication routine is over for the Lyme Disease Symptoms.  I wanted to get in something close to 10-miles, and I didn't want to drive too far.  I wouldn't be getting a really early start either, so I needed something on the cooler side of things (higher elevations).  I settled on the Tunxis Trail, in East Hartland.  

Picked a parking spot at the Route 20 Trail Crossing, which has long been a favorite of mine.  There may be one other car occasionally, but truthfully this is not a very busy trail.  I really like the solitude, and the lack of feeling as though civilization is really close at all times.

It seemed like Pine Mountain Road, or the summit of Pine Mountain would get me to half-way to 10-miles.  From there it would be to simply retrace all my steps, or use the side-path I know of, which adds in a great couple minute climb out of Roberts Brook.

Worked out very well;  the leaves kept the sun off me pretty well.  It was also somewhat mild up in the hills, I guess it stayed around 80 or a little above for the entire time I was running.  To top things off, there was really no humidity to speak of, which is a true blessing.

Went out to Pine Mountain Road, feeling darn good.  Registered 5.2-miles at that point, so on the return trip I did cut about a half-mile off and took the climb out of Roberts Brook to Pine Road crossing.  Ended the day with 9.8-miles, and avoided any leg pain in my hips that the Lyme Disease had brought on.

Rock prior to descent into the raven 1/2-mile before Roberts Brook
Balanced Rock along the Tunxis Trail
Our Dog Pool on Unnamed Brook